The Ben Franklin Effect

Yep- accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, and it’s all good!

The Science Dog

Ben Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was a pretty amazing guy. The quintessential Renaissance Man, he was a scientist, inventor, author, musician, scholar, business man and politician. There are many popular stories and quotes from Franklin’s life, but one in particular demonstrates his astute understanding of human behavior. In fact, this story became so well-known that it eventually led to what  is now a well-known psychological phenomenon, aptly called, The Benjamin Franklin Effect.

The Story:  Franklin first entered politics when he ran for and won election to the position of clerk of the state’s general assembly. During his first term, like all politicians, Franklin made both a lot of friends as well as a few enemies. At the end of his term, one of those adversaries threatened Franklin’s political career when he stood before the state legislature and delivered a long and scathing speech in opposition to Franklin’s reelection. Although Franklin still won the election, he realized that the gentleman in question, as someone of…

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Treat Training Trinity – Why positive reinforcement did not work for my dog.

Not rocket science-simply why force free positive reinforcement
training is best for dogs and humans, and why it needs to be correctly applied for desired results!



About fifteen years ago, when I started apprenticing as a trainer, I used leash corrections and other forms of “discipline”.  I no longer leash correct, and have not for more than a decade.  This is not because I had a moral agenda.  I simply needed an effective training solution.

Kiki, my learning dog pulled like a tugboat.  We tried so many techniques we could have been the poster child for:

“But I tried positive reinforcement and it did not work.”

I chuckled and snickered with other trainers, “Ignore bad behaviour?  So you just LET the dog knock grandma to the ground?”  Teaching with food and then proofing with corrections seemed to make more sense.

We ran the gamut on protocols:

Food luringCollar corrections – flat collar
Collar corrections – nylon slipHead halter use
Head halter to reposition dogHead halter corrections
Chain choke collar correctionSpecial choke…

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Food Rules, or does it?

I am passionate about teaching my dogs (and letting them teach me!) as we train in various dog activities. I am also passionate about learning and sharing it with others. Titles and ribbons are the obvious extrinsic human reward, and as the human half of the team I have enjoyed that tangible that can only come through organized competition. But honestly, the true reward for me happens in every single training session when I am inevitably rewarded by some kind of epiphany. This experience with our dogs is a God given miracle that I am grateful for every day. However as mere humans, motivating our canine partners on this journey that we choose for them can be quite interesting and challenging. And it seems we never tire of trying to figure out the best ways to do this!

As a positive reinforcement trainer I use food to teach, particularly in the early stages of introducing new behaviors. Food gets results, and fast. But using food properly to obtain reliable and predictable results when there is no food present, is an issue which many people struggle with and never get past. When used properly, food should enhance and build relationship, not diminish or marginalize it in anyway.

In thinking about my own evolution as a trainer I realized over the years (decades at this point) that my own “food rules” continue to evolve. I have learned from my own personal experience and most definitely from others-some famous, some not- and all invaluable. I learned through training that my dog and I could realize a cooperative partnership-a real working partnership that goes far beyond being the provider of food and life’s other necessities. Teamwork, communication, trust, mutual respect. All of this comes through positive force free training methods.

So for those who may have interest, I have attempted here to articulate my rules for personal relationship and using food rewards in training.

Relationship rules:

1) If my dog makes an error in training, I know that I need to change what I am doing. In all fairness to my dogs, I can’t expect my dog to be perfect if I am not a perfect trainer. So I ask myself, did I communicate effectively to my dog? Did I teach that behavior with crystal clear and appropriate criteria? Was my cuing flawless? etc., etc. I never blame my dogs for my own inadequacies as a human teacher/trainer. I just try to do better!

2) I never ignore a dog ‘s request for affection or attention, even if only a brief interaction. If I need them out of my way for any reason, they are put in their own safe area of the house and given some other pleasant distraction or toy to occupy them. But they are always acknowledged.

3) Some form of baby talk prevails in most of our dog-human conversations because it makes tails wag!

4) I only train if I am in a good mood! I never train if I am not in a good mood. Funny thing is, just thinking about it will usually lift my spirits and put me in the proper frame of mind act on it. That is the benefit of positive training-no negative associations allowed, it’s all good!

5) I never forget that training dogs is a privilege. I appreciate my dogs allowing me to teach, play and otherwise interact with them. They make my life better so I strive to do the same for them. We literally make their life so it is up to us to make the very best of it!

6) My dogs love to learn because it is fun and only good things happen- attention, food, play, fresh air, etc. My dogs are never forced or intimidated into doing anything. I make sure that they feel safe. They are willing partners because they are physically and emotionally safe with me.

7) But- try as I might, there are still times when a rabbit racing by or a pile of cow manure in our path proves more of an attraction than anything I can offer! A different part of the canine brain kicks in there so I never take offense, after all they are dogs! I just see those circumstances as training challenges, and if all else fails I just manage the environment to the best of my ability. It’s all good!

Food rules:

1) I feed most meals by hand-always talking, interacting or training at meal time. (This also helps prevents or minimize resource guarding and bolting of food.)

2) I often use the meal as training time, so the meal is portioned out as reinforcement. I feed the remainder meal after the session has ended, no matter how it went. Withholding a primary necessity of life is not something I will do. It is both unjust and cruel.

3) When teaching new behaviors I allow the dog to focus on the task-which means minimal talking and I focus on criteria, timing, and reinforcement. This where I find food to be most valuable-it is easy to deliver, has wide variety, and if used efficiently should not distract from learning or become a “bribe” or crutch.

4) As the behavior becomes stronger, I begin to use more personal interaction along with the food reinforcement-praise and play, etc. This is how I begin to bridge the performance with personal interaction and put less emphasis on the food.

5) As the behavior becomes fluent I begin to randomize the food +R and use more and more of myself in the form of verbal and physical praise.

6) I only use food when my dogs are hungry-either at meal time or a distance from meal time.

7) I also use toys when appropriate, and randomize food +R or use no food at all.

8) I vary food rewards, often using the lowest value of food that I can get results with. That is, I do not pull out the beef, chicken or baby food when their usual food or something of similar value will do. Away from home it will vary depending upon the fluency and difficulty of behavior and the environment. Keep it interesting and appropriately valuable for the task and environment at hand. Know the motivational hierarchy, i.e. value of the reinforcement, for the individual dog.

11) For teaching focus on the task, food should not be visible in your hand until after your mark/click. This is a difference between “bribe” and reward. Exceptions: In the case of luring a new behavior, food lure in your hand should be faded after 3-5 repetitions. With shaping, the presence of food drives behavior but it still must be faded out of sight once the behavior is fluent.

12) My dogs understand that food is not available without permission (hand feed, “ZEN” game teaches this). No grabbing, “mugging” or jumping up for food without permission, a “release to food” cue (my cue is “get it” or “dish”).

13) I use food targets (or reward stations) to get the food off of me once a behavior is fluent. Ask for the behavior, or string of behaviors, praise, play, touch, etc., then send  to the target for the food reward. Targets are a great tool to bridge personal interaction and food rewards.

15) I generalize behaviors by taking everything I do at home “on the road”. Then in each new location start with +R for every repetition, and lower criteria. Build up again.

Deconstructing the Click

Clicker science explained- a great read!

The Science Dog

I am a clicker trainer. All of my own dogs are clicker trained and many of the classes that we teach at my training school, AutumnGold are “clicker-centric”. Clicker training is not only a scientifically sound approach to teaching dogs new things, but is also a kind, enjoyable, and bond-strengthening method of training – something that benefits both dogs and their people.


For the uninitiated, clicker training is a relatively simple technique that involves pairing the click sound made by a small, handheld cricket with the delivery of a food treat. After several repetitions of this pairing (Click-Treat; hereafter CT), in which the click sound reliably predicts the treat, the sound comes to possess the same properties as the presentation of the treat itself – a pleasurable emotional response. Clicker training packs an enormously powerful positive punch for both the dog and the trainer because it allows the trainer to precisely target tiny bits of behavior at the exact moment they are…

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How to Get a Recall

Another gem from Denise Fenzi. Teach your dog, love your dog!

Denise Fenzi

The standard answer is, “Make it worth the dog’s while”.

Odds of this approach to recall training working go up quite a lot under a few circumstances:

1.  Your dog isn’t hugely self confident.  Dogs that are a little nervous on their own have a natural inclination to stay relative close.  That makes recall training a lot easier.

2.  Your dog is under  about four months of age. Puppies usually know that they cannot survive on their own; unfortunately at around four or five months of age they often get stupid and think they can rule the world.  That is when recalls (and training in general) can be challenging for many dog/handler teams.   Don’t give up; your nice dog usually comes back.

3.  Your dog is fully mature.  After your dog has  worked through the stupid age and has seen a few thousand dogs, trees, and leaves, they aren’t…

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